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Registration: N/A
Body Number :
Model: Triumph Herald Coupe
Commission Number:
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Source: Sip Walraven, Netherlands
Date: September 2011
Info: Two of my friends own a triumph herald coupe 1200 license plate: JJ-21-99.
A belgium guy offert them a coupe top, my friends bought the rooftop because they are creating a rally car and when the top gets damaged they would have an extra.
At the same time I'm trying to do a low budget restoration of an 1360... low budget restoration does not exsist... The belgium guy called my friends, he had the back of the car but did not know what to do with it... So my friends called me and told about the rear and the top they had extra.
Two car dust covers made the excange... I GOT A HALF TRIUMPH HERALD COUPE!!!
Combining the front train and some interior of the 1360, another triumph herald saloon 948 (engine mounthed at the chassis), the engine of my friends 1200 coupe and the half triumph herald coupe I just picked up.... became my triumph herald coupe?
Sometimes I believe I saved a triumph herald coupe and sometimes I don't...