T Reference
The following list of number plates, are what we have in the archive. Any cars with further information such as model spec or images can be accessed by clicking on the numberplate. Any further information for each particular vehicle the numberplate or relevant link will be highlighted in Brown.
4T 677.....Coupe (Yxx) 917 TAF....Saloon TAP 584.....Convert (Y15660) TAS 495 .....Saloon (G53039) 158 TBB....Coupe (AUS) 652 TBH..Saloon S (G64145SP) TCA 920....Saloon (G-v early) TDL 147...Saloon TDL934...Saloon TDL977....Saloon TDM333....Coupe TFF 328.....Saloon (Gxx) (Original Reg was 2333MP) TFN 796.....Sal TC (GY500) 8 TGG.....Saloon (Gxx) TH 16 ...Rally Coupe (Y10835) TH61.....Convertible (Y) THK 411.....Coupe (Yxx) 977 THN...Saloon THS 85....Coupe TJA 923...Sal S(G62103SP) TJG 550.....Saloon (Gxx) TJT 515....Sal S (G66827SP) 500 TKJ.....Saloon TL5.....Coupe (Y3 - Original) TL5 (8166 DU)....Coupe (Y16165)
TMW 531...Saloon 601 TPC.....Coupe (Yxx) |
TUS 694.....Saloon (STR) TUS 736.....Coupe (STR) TVY 378 .....Saloon (Gxx) 3066 TW .....Saloon (Gxx) 5075 TW .....Saloon (Gxx) 6509 TW.....Saloon TXD221 .....Convertible(US) TZA 167.....Saloon (IRELAND) TZC 353.....Saloon (IRELAND) |
If you know of a car that can add to this list; existing or long since gone, email us with a reference and we shall add it on. With your help we can make the database grow.