P Reference
The following list of number plates, are what we have in the archive. Any cars with further information such as model spec or images can be accessed by clicking on the numberplate. Any further information for each particular vehicle the numberplate or relevant link will be highlighted in Brown.
13736P....Coupe PBW 152...Saloon |
PJA 431....Coupe 6665PJ....Saloon PNH 374....Saloon (G69026) PNH 810....Saloon (G67956) PNJ 7......Coupe (Y-Early) 22 PNU....Saloon POO 980.....Saloon 6097 PO....Saloon (G9331) 8142 PO....Saloon (G19432) |
257 PPE .....Saloon (G39779) 65 PPG .....Saloon (G44503) Reregistered as XWV814A 955 PPG .....Saloon (G44808) 11 PPJ....Rally Saloon 821 PPK...Coupe PPN 491....Saloon 557 PPU.....Coupe 464PP06.....Convertible PRA 579 .....Coupe (Y7637) PSL 599 .....Coupe (Y11111) PSN 705....Saloon 100 PTD.....Coupe (Yxxx) 887 PTW...Saloon 4010 PU.....Con (Y19110CV) 4016 PU .....TC Sal (GY8707) 6794 PU .....TC Sal (GY8729) 7474 PU.....TC Saloon PUD 136....Coupe PVH 329 .....Coupe (Y) |
PVV140.....Saloon (G68684) |
If you know of a car that can add to this list; existing or long since gone, email us with a reference and we shall add it on. With your help we can make the database grow.