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Turn Left to Tangiers
The expedition through Africa featuring Triumph Herald prototypes more…
Triumph Herald Rally Cars
Take a look at our archive of period photographs and details including Monte Carlo, Rac and Tulip rallies More…
Donate to Triumph-Herald.com
We have teamed up with paypal to offer the ability to accept donations on the triumph-herald.com website. All donations are greatfully received and we see it as a thank you for the time and effort put in to the database.
Where does the money go to?
Not to us. We have small overheads such as the domain name and hosting, this cost is recovered via the Google adverts found on the site - feel free to click on a few. Any money received will be donated to various charitable organisations, with a different charity chosen each year. At the end of each year we shall publish how much we have donated to charity on this page.
But its free, yes?
The site is free. We could have a subscription service and offer the information to paying people only yet, this is totally against one of the principle reasons for initiating the website - to ensure the history of the early Triumph Herald is widely available, collated together and free.
How can I donate?
Simply press the donate button and Paypal will take you through the steps. It's secure too.
How much can I donate?
Any amount - every penny shall go to charity, so it's up to you. Every penny helps - if every visitor paid 1 penny to the site, we could have donated £4,000
within the first year of the site.