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Triumph Herald Rally Cars
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We are especially looking for any information on existing 948cc Triumph Herald saloons, coupes and convertibles (in any condition, full or part cars), ex owners of 948cc Triumph Heralds long gone and any ex Standard Triumph employees or their families. Help us build the information and share it with everyone!


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March 2025
13 cars added. All archive images.234LPF, 371OXO, 23AWJ, XJN754, 2264MF, VCJ813, YRM96? (Coupe), 204COF, 714BLL, 168AXE, 7322NC, 4092MT (Convertible) and HEY 199.

6,900 Cars in Database

February 2025
14 cars added. All archive images. GBF812, 702EXL, 3272MT, 410GYE, RBD352, 6914NC, 738NFM, 4575SLG, 2107NA, SDB705. + x4 DU PLates incl. 7139DU PIC

6,887 Cars in Database

November/December 2024
6 cars added. VUJ228. 663EDE. UBX365. 11347J (exists - TC saloon from Australia) 9939MC, 3456CD.

Updates include. ID for the Australian auction car G27803. Photo of 313SPP. 6738ME.

6,873 Cars in Database

September/October 2024
8 cars added. 5 existing. Two we are curently unsure whether coupe or convertible. AB8493 and 147271GE. Three existing saloons (one looking like a convertible) BGS559A, G18387 and G57294. Period pics include NDO394, AEI75 and KHH647.

Updates include 102XWE (which is sadly the stunning original FJS830, which isn't as original now!!), a strange conversion of 298XUX and the sad desmise of NSL731. A better photo of rally car TH16 and a clearer update photo of ZV1348.

6,867 Cars in Database

May/June 2024
9cars added. 2 existing - both in poor condition, a saloon in Australia and Herald S in the UK. Period pics include Convertible 171DBM, 7323MY, YFJ 99 and SZA756. SP3?86 is a coupe that may still be around. Two references include a Saloon WDM689 and Convertible 257 NLG.

6,859 Cars in Database

February/March 2024
14 cars added. 2 existing a coupe Y4092 in Australia and S Saloon 21-23 in Japan. The rest are period photos including a great shot of 3847WF, 3848WF and WBE571 as learner cars. 8284AT is an early coupe with a later plate, several others including coupe 6570KH also a sad demise of XER5.

6,850 Cars in Database

January/February 2024
6 cars added. 3 existing and 3 period. Firstly a twin pair of German saloons, including G442246L and an Australian Coupe EPI117. Period photos include a Coupe SNJ984 and two saloons 22PNU and RV1040.

6,836 Cars in Database

November/December 2023
13 cars added with three still existing including a saloon G14124, Coupe S176CPW and Convertible MSG525. Period photos include: PJA431, PJA 973, 488 PKJ, JSK 358, 937 LNU, G67033SP, 8532HX, XXH773, 2089K and 6848K.

6,830 Cars in Database

September/October 2023
18 cars added with several still existing including G33394, G34720L, G38113L.
x3 unknown details: New Zealand red and white Coupe, UK Number 8 Saloon, Coventry Herald S. Period pics of Y10: XRW 862. XYI 780. AK7357. BXH 415 an Australian launch car. 444 LTE, 125 YMC and YDG 564. UPDATE 2 x2 Existing Coupes: Y4537L and Y1277.

6,817 Cars in Database

July/August 2023
7 cars added. 4 existing which is always great to discover. They are Saloon G45679L in Germany, a Canadian Coupe Y18031 and two convertibles, one in the US Y21284LCV and one in Italy 558322-BS. x3 period photos one of 550-523 plus two saloons from an Australian Triumph Herald launch event. BXH 417 and BXH 418.

6,802 Cars in Database

March/April 2023
6 cars added, plus 2 updates. Existing cars include an AMI built twin carb saloon GY6804 plus coupe MEK409. A US Palm Springs launch coupe IG9411 is now included, with perios pics of PBW152, BYU424 and NS4122. Two updates include a new colour scheme for DXS345 and LSJ414 which is now for sale.

6,795 Cars in Database

January/February 2023
Five cars added alabeit one stored since 1982!! A convertible too - TOO377. Two further period photos of THS85, a coupe and YDG811, an early 1960 registered saloon.
Y19152LCV has been discovered in the USA and WYL265 a very early Herald Coupé.

6,789 Cars in Database

November/December 2022
Multiple updates and new cars!
Details of 4 cars in a breakers in Australia; G374, G14137, G57211, and 1090KA. Two new existing Coupes 05462J and 13646J. Period photo of BST752. Pictures added to cars already in the datebase 2LTE, 4403DU and XJJ272.Details of an amazing transformation of Y19245CV. Commission confirmed for XLE614.
Additional photos of 5090HP which in addition to press car work was a film car on the RAC Rally.
Updates too, to rally cars 4KKL, 650GHW, OWG10 and 2510NG.
6,784 Cars in Database

October/November 2022
5 new cars with three surviving. Two Coupes - one incredibly early in Australia Y245 - and one in South Africa Y6248. A Twin Carb Saloon GY6599 in Australia albeit about to be transformed with a fibreglass body and two period references HSO161, a Herald S and URX757.
6,777 Cars in Database

August/September 2022
5 new cars all Saloons and all existing. These cars take the total to 600 (and a half!) Triumph Herald 948cc cars known remaining worldwide. Who’s have thought?
Updates are: 517KOU, GY7107, Hayle Herald, S104CPG and G13854.
6,772 Cars in Database

May/June 2022
5 new cars added and 1 convertible NLD100, Y8101 updated. Pleased to find three styles existing of S21846 (Y6035) Coupe, PM0521 Convertible and two saloons FDE467 and TRN470A.Plus a period photo of 2313UE - a coffee and white saloon.
6,767 Cars in Database

13 new cars added. 2 Existing - including Coupe Y13259 and a Saloon. A Tulip Rally convertible and some superb period photos, including 43HP.
6,762 Cars in Database

January/February 2022
13 new cars added. 1 Existing Saloon the rest as period photos/references. A fab period photo of early coupe WKV 979 included.
6,749 Cars in Database

August/Sept 2021

16 new cars added. 6 Existing (x5 Saloons and x1 Coupe) the rest as period photos/references.
6,736 Cars in Database

May/June 2021
13 new cars and additional info for 1
New period pics include: 977THN, 84UKL, 5657IJ, AZA 768, XYW658, 291NKJ, YYW620, 143 KPL, PDB 889. XHP258 (pic update)
Existing cars include Saloon: NSL 731 and three Coupes: Y9033, CDR 728 (Y708) and KEH 014 (Y10366L)
6,720 Cars in Database

April 2021
Eight cars added three existing: S Saloon JAS771, Saloon 8923VW and a Convertible CD3450. Period info includes this fab shot of 333DYO plus 395AOR, 533BRM, 260FVD and 771GRL. Two coupe updates include 536TPG and Baby60, plus news of convertible 594WHK alive and kicking!
6,707 Cars in Database

December 2020/January 2021

Nine cars added three existing. x2 Coupes LEJ450, 61753X and 07224J. Period pics and log books for IZA997, 350KDH, SZA427, HZC812, 2700K & MDJ180.
6,699 Cars in Database

November 2020
Five cars added - x2 existing: Coupe EBW230A and Convertible Y13019LCV. x3 archive details of MDJ180, AY3627 and 2486AT. Three updates to cars KEJ 326, 429 FKA and a fantastic period photo now added to rally car 2LTE.
6,690 Cars in Database

September/October 2020
Just three cars added, two period C11317 & MSN 547 and one existing 630 RFM, with three further updates to cars already in the database: Y999, YKV908 & 4163HP.
6,685 Cars in Database

July/Aug 2020

A bumper crop of 27 cars added. Three Saloons, a Coupe and Convertible existing.
The rest via period pics and log books. Featured cars include a Coupe won on the TV program Take Your Pick, another Coupe in Barbados.
6,682 Cars in Database

May 2020
Twelve cars added. 4 existing. x2 Saloons 4-335 and G30099 and x2 Coupes Y13735 and US Coupe. The rest are period photos. XYU216, TZC353, 7724HX, VKG726, 257PPE, COO68, 1857RE. Fab Monte Carlo Rally Coupe WUN972.
Four updates to cars too: YDU927, 707JYB, 173UXH and LSV286.
6,655 Cars in Database

February/March 2020
Ten cars added. 4 existing. Saloons N CM966, G41918 and Coupes CDR724 and AK7357. Period info includes two Malta produced cars 27461 and 18969. 194TPJ, 4547CD, TJT 515 and Earls Court Motorshow Coupe Y1516.
6,643 Cars in Database

January/February 2020

Eight cars added. An existing Coupe DD9931. Period pics include BB5200, AE9986, XDG890, OHH890, ?JWL and 4308VC (albeit an early 1200). 77825H is added with further info needed.
Updates also to 809AXT and BABY60.
6,633 Cars in Database

December 2019

Seven cars added with 5 existing. First a poor condition US Convertible, Y23182LCV. Four further cars: BABY60, G33233, S311BTJ and an Australian saloon with only 3090KA as a reference. Two period photos include AX234 and HFB831. Two cars have been updated after restorations: 8830MV and FJS830.
6,625 Cars in Database

October/November 2019
Just two cars added this session and existing Saloon G22442 in Australia and a period UK Saloon 551BXO.
6,618 Cars in Database

September/October 2019

Just four cars added this update albeit three exist and represent each body style: A Coupe Y4181, a Saloon FSV226 and a (possible*) Convertible Y11247. The update is complete with a period 1200 coupe 519XVW.
* More research required.
6,616 Cars in Database

July/August 2019
6 cars added to database plus an update on a new car. Surviving cars include GY6599, WGV671A and 849KAN, all Saloons plus a Coupe, albeit with no further info. Period photos include 577BYL and CFF890. An update includes a re-registration of a UK saloon to 167XVB.
6,612 Cars in Database

May/June 2019
4 cars added, One surviving Saloon, let's hope it gets saved 286FBJ. Period references of YCD552, AX9261 and WLC74. An update (photo) added on YDM351 a 1200 Coupe
6,605 Cars in Database

April 2019
11 cars added with just two surviving - a Saloon in Australia, G57188 and G43558L. All other cars are period but do include all models including a couple of Herald S saloons 278DOR and 908NKM, coupes AAL504A and AZA250 and a convertible NMT323. Perhaps a second convertible 156AOK. Saloons include TDL147, 349KBH and 66 ELY.
6,601 Cars in Database

March 2019
6 cars added with two existing - a Saloon and a Convertible. Two records of AYX, 110AYX (Saloon) and 718AYX (Convertible). Details too from the owner of coupe YHP110
Period photo of XWK820 (car already in database) and 176LMB (which wasn't!)
6,590 Cars in Database

February 2019
5 cars added with two existing - a Saloon and a Coupe. Three period photo HF8831 and XTP77 including an illustration, we think, was based on a real car: 261LBH. An update to 0G9767L too - which was already in the database.
6,584 Cars in Database

January 2019
7 cars added with a mix of surving and period. Surviving cars are Coupes Y7652, a Canadian Coupe with no ID and an Australia car 63378H we think originated as a coupe too. Period cars include XTP239, WOY?95, No ID Cambridge Gardens Coupe and 5075TW.
6,579 Cars in Database

December 2018
9 Cars added, including Herald S DFH871A, Two Irish Coupes Y1949 and Y5740 plus period info include WRK67, 6587W, PSN705, 350KDH and 797HNY. Updates to DRS516A.
6,572 Cars in Database

October/November 2018
4 cars added. Two Saloons, G8418 and G60332 that both exist and two period photos of coupes; 3928CD and 1731NC.
6,563 Cars in Database

September/October 2018
12 cars added. Two Saloons, existing: 311YUW, 519LKP and two Coupes: 233ASV and Canadian Coupe. Period photos include. ZX7467, XZA423, UC717, KFL341, CZA2, MZA313, TDL934 and 731BXW.
6,559 Cars in Database

July/August 2018
7 Cars added to the database. 2 Existing - a very early Coupe in Italy Y1090L and a S Saloon G64026SP.
Period info/pics of 993HFJ, 6927BY, FZA854 and 17GTX and one racing at Phillip Island.
Two update to existing cars recenty restores YTI575 and G66158.
6,547 Cars in Database

June 2018
7 Cars added to the database. 4 existing. Three Saloons: WYJ284, TJA923 and RHV452. A South African Coupe (with more details to follow) Y15078. Period details include MUD193, 12AWJ and a 51 Special.
6,540 Cars in Database

May/June 2018
13 cars added to the database. One existing saloon G22542 which was added as existing - one that we haven't added; because not much exists!
The rest are period photos. Convertible: EZT525. Coupes: CPI412, 5LYA, BTI789, 71MKO Saloons: SNJ847, No reg ref, 4584MV, 6633XI, 523HRL, 261728.
6,533 Cars in Database

March/April 2018
7 new cars added with modifications on 3 already on the list. New cars include two existing coupes, Y6871 and Y14155 and an existing Saloon, G50797. Period photos on 1758ED, YCD663, 745124 and a heritage certificate on Y2172. The owner of FAS449 came forward with the details on a 948 convertible. 5471MH has now a photo and 257RW - the rarest production Herald.
6,520 Cars in Database

January/February 2018

A new year an 12 cars added to the database - a mix of all variants with period and existing cars. Existing: x2 Convertibles: ADV274A a UK car now in Holland and FAS449. x1 Coupe: CSF041 and x2 Saloons: AJN283A and 68479H. Period photos include this delightful convertible 3903MT and another ZY6024. Period coupes: YWV547, 13WPF (a 1200). The remains of UES842 (no we haven't called this existing), VZA915 and 6627AT.
6,513 Cars in Database

December 2017
Merry Christmas - details of 8 cars added to the site 7, of which, are new entries. Firstly YHP635 we already had in the database but we didn't know the pedigree - who said 948 cars were slow - just give a tweaked coupe to a fast driver! An existing coupe from a fresh restoration Y7710 plus a saloon RDE471 in Australia. Period pics of two convertibles; RIF556 and ???MMA. Finally details of three further saloons TRX100, 917TAF and RJA471.
6,501 Cars in Database

November 2017
10 cars added to the database. Five surviving: A UK convertible, Y21845CV. A Canadian saloon 0G9767L, an Australian car (possibly a convertible) EWI341. Coupe IG3036 and Twin Carb Saloon DXS345. A couple of period photographsfrom Sri Lanka 38002 and a partial numberplate and a famous owner who passed their test in theirs; 7474PU.
Details of a Black and White period car 1229RW and a period photo of RG1634.
6,494 Cars in Database

October 2017

10 cars details added in with just the 5 as new entries: WVP681, 1342DU, XSG11, G50431L and TMW531.
4 entries we had in the database but did not have any photos. The new photo cars (a couple of which are very signifant) are: 521JRL, XHP928, XHP249 and 1667HP. The final car Y7135, again we had however we have added an additional page for the show numberplate Elsie 5.
Two saloons, G50431L and 521JRL have also been added to the existing saloons list.
6,484 Cars in Database

September 2017

Ok so a holiday in August means a late August entry - or an early September. 10 cars added with 5 existing - two coupes and three saloons. The number of surviving 948 Triumph Heralds is now 493 - and a half! Entries are: Two Coupes ABNV108 from Canada and Y10103L in the US. Three Saloons: G3511, G47466 and another Canadian car 950LHY. The rest are a selection of period photos - 3067, ?CG659, UNV565 and a great shot of 222LKE. A couple of updates to cars BPI922 and 620UXG.(Both existing Coupes).
6,479 Cars in Database

July 2017
Eight cars added to the database - three, of which are surviving cars, two in the USA: Saloon G44589L and a Convertible NTE707. A full set with a Coupe in Australia, Y12025. Period cars include two further convertibles KGQ469 and GSO584. With three Saloons added, all period info. HZV812, 968EKA and a YLR plate car.
6,469 Cars in Database

June 2017
Three cars - with 327ELV already in the database, but a photo added. The two new additions include a convertible XER5 and coupe CGC392.
6,461 Cars in Database

May, 2017 v2
Added 65 DU (Coventry Cars to D list)
6,459 Cars in Database

May 2017
9 cars added to the database - all, sadly, being period photos of cars that no longer exist. Here's the first to go - as it was written off in 1966! A Convertible 698VPF. A couple more convertibles make it into the database too, 9639IJ and RCL900.
A couple of mystery photos, both factory related 3755HP and KGS130. A fab colour photo of Coupe starting with DHV that originally went to Singapore and another well travelled car 8050WU. One final car (so a tenth) is actually a 1200 - but as it will be no longer very soon we have added it to the archive to record it. 416UXU.
6,394 Cars in Database

April 2017
11 cars added to the database - most being period photos of cars that no longer exist.
A fab series of photos have come through for a monoton Coffee coupe - 829KYD. Records for saloons include 494EKC, UNT444, 3453NA and 5380NX. A coupe as a taxi in the US - AKN027.

A possible convertible (that DOES exist!) - that was a one owner car in Queensland NLD100.
6,384 Cars in Database

March 2017
6 cars added in March - all saloons with just the one; G19432 surviving. The others are great period photos and info: 5946VF, 1950WD, KC57, 3386JH and a Saloon S ???CLD. We have details on XVC942 - a car we already had in the listing but certainly no owner details. This car was owned by Ken Richardson.
6,373 Cars in Database

February 2017
19 additions to the database with a mix of both existing and period cars. 6 existing saloons (including one as a convertible RSL142) and two new coupes including Y13471L - which sadly may not exist for much longer! We have added references to a convertible 594 WHK, which no longer exists; a Saloon S (1788LJ) and twin carb car GY3349 (441BMJ) - so that's the full set of variants too!
6,367 Cars in Database

Jan 2017
Year End Summary.
2016 saw an increase in both period photos and info on cars that are no longer with and also vehicles that are still around. The condition of the existing cars varies widely with a concern that still a large percentage are in poor condition and are subsequently scrapped. 2016 saw a couple of listed cars scrapped, which amazingly, included a UK convertible.

Jan 2016 saw 6,288 cars in the database with that figure at 6,348 by the end of the year - an increase of 60 cars.We continued the 'Update' news feature on the website which lists each addition to the database, complete with live link to the individual car listing. This works well.

Revenue from Google adverts on the website have really tailed off due to perhaps more ad blockers being used. Despite the 'more that obvious - click here to help the site' not many people actually do!

Our book 'Trauma at Triumph' has been received very well from the launch back in May. The 164th copy is being shipped out today. Copies of the book have been sent all around the world. We considered a stand at the MG/Triumph show at Stoneleigh to sell the books (with a number of spares too) this year but this will not happen. We took some books to the TSSC show at Santa Pod last year but the show was a little fragmented, didn't really have any serious footfall (Saturday) frequented by rain and we didn't really offer any for sale.

The physical archive has developed once more, over the year, with several rather nice findings including a car roof sales board from Princes of Loughbough, period illustrations, original technical drawings and a number of period photographs and printed material. None of these items end up on the website however, they are often documented on our Facebook profile.

Period material sent through has extended our Herald rally archive for which plans and initial stages have been started for a rally book.
We now have enough photographs for a complete 1958 - 1964 era Triumph prototype book, for which a draft cover was produced. We have a number of very details photos of the Tr4, Conrero, Herald, GT6, Spitfire, Vitesse plus a number of weird and wonderful creations that never made it past the design/buck stage - at least I say that, then I find a photo of a period registered car!!

2016 we set up the website - primarily to document and organise the history of VDL634, this has been extended and will eventually include details of ALL 948 convertibles and will run in tandem with the main site. As a WordPress powered site 948 convertible owners could, in theory, access their own car info adding details and new info accordingly. remained untouched in 2016 and all links simply point to the main site.

Over Christmas 2016, we discovered a number of cars not contained in the database, enabling the archive to expand straight away in 2017, which is great news. These cars are a healthy mix of both period and existing cars.
6,348 Cars in Database


December 2016: Seven new additions. Two existing cars a Saloon G41426 and Coupe Y12016 both in Australia.Three cars are from shows but sadly no details of these are cars are coming up as surviving: 7878DT, 156AXA and 142DUC. An old photo of 8571JH and info an another coupe 567EXO.
Our book - Trauma at Triumph saw number 158, the latest to be sent out. Get yours now in time for Christmas.
6,348 Cars in Database

November 2016:
Four new additions to the database - two new cars and two new photos from cars we had. The two new cars are period details of 4504CZ and 2636IJ. Two new photos are of XHP247 (G2) on test in Ireland and OFO421.
Our book - Trauma at Triumph saw number 154, the latest to be sent out - it went to the USA.
6,341 Cars in Database

October 2016: Four new additions to the database with a couple of amendments to existing cars. Two new Coupes - both in Australia; Y6032 and Y13730. A period photo of a Coupe 556EHO and a UK Saloon 573UYR. This particular car was, until very recently registered as YLE29. A convertible for sale in the US Y20563LCV, which was in the archive, gets an update.
6,339 Cars in Database

September 2016. A classic Triumph Herald for your School Prom?

September 2016: Five existing cars added to the database - with each model featuring too! THREE coupes - two with positive ID's. Y11257 and Y9245, both in Australia and a Canadian coupe for sale in Canada. A convertible that was in the database but now it has photographs thanks to the new keeper - Y22836LCV in in the US. Finally a new find in the UK - currently missing a Commission number, GEC492 we are trying to work it out with more research.
6,335 Cars in Database

August 2016: Book number 132 was despatched and sent to Australia. We also get a mention in the latest TSSC Courier magazine with a photo and a "thoroughly recommend."

Car update see two new Coupes added to the list of survivors - one, on first impressions looks later, with many later parts fitted but the Commission Number of Y17484 confirms the original ID. The car, registered as ZE1163 is in New Zealand. A UK car 713VC has been added and again, looks like a 1200. The commission we have for the numberplate gives a big difference in build date to registration date - what was the car doing during this time - we'd love to know.

A couple of period photos have been found and added with two having commissions in the list already 6145HP and 4513DU. Period photos also include 366WJ and DDJ141. We have added 482UXS, a 1200 coupe, to the list too, so it isn't confused with an earlier car.
6,330 Cars in Database

July 2016: Book number 128 was despatched and arrived just in time for Fathers Day. Hopefully some books can go to Triumphfest - the TSSC meet, this year it is at Santa Pod (The old Stafford International Show) Read more here...

Car updates include the confirmation of the commission of ZHG508, a great story from Vince Eager and his two coupes UCJ993 and 4970BY. Thanks too to Grant Cox who has sent through a number of original numberplates of cars that have been re-registered. Very often the current owner is not aware of the original numberplate that the car was issued with when built. Some cars we then have older photographs of where the car was wearing its original plate and a later - the car is the same! Some examples include: 339UXO which was originally 961WML, 100PTD which is now PSL599 and EAS 997 which has replaced the original plate of 559 FTT. A couple of convertibles too have revealed their original numberplates thus indicating their original area of first delivery: GSL 401, a convertible now in Finland, was originally GEO 186 from Barrow-in-Furness.

The other convertible was originally a saloon and it's the final piece to the puzzle confirming, beyond doubt the car was a saloon. The car APA 477A was originally registered as the rather nice plate of 95RPA in Surrey. Datewise, correctly asthe original saloon G46887 pre-dating the build of the convertible Y19658CV, it was falsely being associated with
A period photo of 618MVT in Liverpool and a Herald S logbook for 281VTW complete the update for July.
6,325 Cars in Database

June 2016:
The Book - designed, printed delivered. Order yours today! Over 120 books have now been despatched with great feedback coming in from all over the world. Read more here...

APRIL 22, 2016
Triumph Herald book
NEW Limited Edition book - CLICK HERE

April 2016:
12 cars added to the database and a couple of updates to existing cars Firstly, and rather amazingly four, yes FOUR new coupes added - surviving coupes. Y3041L in Croatia, Y7944 in Ireland (ZW6636), Y16368 (5724HP) and 850KJO in the UK. A single existing Saloon G66158 (MRO5807) in Goa, India and a barn find Convertible in the US Y20151LCV - Period photos make up the other additions 599OAF a Saloon S with the others all Saloons. UNV656, XYK776, YAX354, 1374AT and 2263CD.
6,321 Cars in Database (+11 as 5724HP was in the database already - photo and surviving status updated.

March 2016: 12 cars added to the database and a couple of updates to existing cars. A number of cars are located in Australia and despite the photos taken a number of years ago all are reported to still exist. x1 coupe WIJ029 and x2 Convertibles, RCV032 and 5G0001 albeit we have no commission numbers to verify these cars. New existing saloons including a report of early car G396. RDE467 is an early saloon still existing in Australia along with 271379. A very early CKD, AMI coupe with no details and a burnt out coupe now broken for spares. A strange one in Sri Lanka - a convertible commission with lots of coupe parts- Y6361CV. A saloon for sale in Finland OY876. Finally a couple of period photos YYL15 and SU9423 - both saloons. Updates include a 1959 saloon sadly broken - but happier a 1959 Saloon with a new owner and being restored.
6,310 Cars in Database

Feb 26, 2016.
New convertible added. Feb 26. Y9693LCV
6,298 Cars in Database

February 2016:
8 cars added to the database include x2 existing coupes, both in Australia, both sadly minus Commission numbers - 158TBB and ZHG508. A 'new find' saloon in the UK - 591SPP. A possible new convertible with French numberplates AV549GK plus a couple of period photos - coupe in Nigeria KWB4664 and another coupe in Singapore SU3572. Details of two further cars sadly with no photos; an early Herald from July 59, TDL977, registered on the Isle of Wight and a black and white coupe 601TPC
6,297 Cars in Database

January 2016: 8 cars added to the database include x2 existing coupes - Y7365, a UK car finished in Coffee and White registered as 6717CR - a 'modified' South Australian Coupe RRO974. A possible convertible in what looks like old crash damage, it is located in Australia registered as 8EA383. Some great period photos - Coventry registered convertible 7322DU, which travelled from the UK to India. Period saloons include a Targo Purple car with the great numberplate of BB19, a period photo from Australia featuring HNF646, P4767 and XVE414.

A couple of updates added to cars in database - 6097PO did seem in really good condition - it now seems to have lost its engine, let's hope it is a restoration as opposed to the car being broken. Finally, AU9562, which on first look seemed to be a convertible but now confirmed as a coupe.

December 2015:
7 cars added to the database with a period photo of 7312DU being added to the database, with details we already had. After listing all the saloons existing we can, in theory, add two more KGM470 and 05924H- albeit we have no commission details. There are a couple of period photos YZA378, two from a 1961 film - a coupe and saloon, a period advert for YAA735 plus a memory of a red and white coupe 55GTX.
6,280 Cars in Database.

November 2015:
13 cars added including a great period photo of a solid red coupe 5811DU, period photo of a New Zealand Coupe CJS441. Period photos of L2716, 45AUS and three cars we can't quite read the numberplates including Signal Red Saloon and 1959 Saloon. RSK538 a 1959 Saloon has come up for sale so we have updated the archive. There is an issue with a convertible - APA 477A, which turns out to be a converted saloon - so we loose one convertible off the survivors list which is back to 55. 6,273 Cars in Database.

October 2015:
Two very early existing Coupe: Y233 in Australia and Y343 in New Zealand - both CKD cars. Y19558CV offered for sale in UK, updated photos. TZA167 wreck photo in Ireland and a very original Saloon in Australia G55369.
6,260 Cars in Database.

September 2015:
Period photos of ODO68 and (finally) XHP251, a 948cc Convertible 1959 model for sale in Australia - CHP16M, and a Logbook for G23948. 6,254 Cars in Database.